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e se qualcosa di quello che leggerai
ti permetterà di arrichire il tuo punto di vista,
mi farà piacere.

Lo scopo di questo Blog
è la Comunicazione Positiva.

Il movimento di Energia Positiva
crea un Circolo Virtuoso.

Le parole smuovono energie,
ma la relazione,
le emozioni vere,
i brividi,
si ricevono solo dalla presenza fisica
e dallo sguardo occhi negli occhi.

Nessuna parola renderà mia la potenza di un abbraccio.

giovedì 9 dicembre 2010

Xmas shopping

Xmas is coming. It's time for Christmas presents and that's the hard part of Christmas. I have to think about my dear friends and beloved people of my life for the right present to give them. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's difficult. There are some presents that come naturally in my mind and that's fine, my sister is the easiest one, but I am completly run out of ideas in this moment and today I spent two hours just wondering about in the city center thinking about any sort of possible presents. The result was that I bought my sister's present (tha was the easy one!), Klappar's present (that was quite easy too^^) and my mother's present ( of them because this is a symbolic one). But I'm far away from the end of the list..I'm at the very beginning of it. So everything was just postdated to the week end and in the meantime I have a task: find out at least three presents! I can do it...I hope!! It's a dirty job, but someone must do it :-)!!

4 commenti:

  1. You have reason. Find presents is not a passeggieit. I know you have già penseted about, but if you change idea on my present, I consigl you a course of english. My english is very good but I can do better. Don't you think?
    White Christmas to everybody,

  2. My dear little sheep, thanks for your suggestion... I know you're a poliglott sheep. I congraturated with you about it. Talking about the present...I catch you! You want me to tell you about your present! Hold fox of a sheep! That's a secret until the very last day!! Hold on darling..just wait till the right moment... :-)

  3. uhhhhh!!! my christmas gift is in your hands?!? good news!!! :) I can't wait for it!! :)

  4. Dear have to wait..I wont tell you where your present is hidden hihihihih :-)!! Paqui knows about it...
